
- user owned venues can now add a band if it isn't listed -venue_add_event.php

- can now search list of bands -searchbands.php

- can now search list of venues -searchvenues.php

- search icon added to header -all pages


- installed ampfaction.com ssl certificate the site is now more secure, all your data is encrypted -all pages

- fixed bug when user inputs band with no genres -add_act.php

- user now gets a warning if the band they tried to add already exists and a link to the existing band page -add_act.php

- user now gets a warning if the venue they tried to add already exists and a link to the existing band page -add_venue.php

- claimband option is only available if user is logged in. -band.php

- if an unlogged in user ends up on the claimband page redirected to unauthorized. -claimband.php

- claim venue option is only available if user is logged in. -venue.php

- made changes to admin operations

- user owned bands can now add a venue if it isn't listed -band_add_event.php

- city/state added to index listings -index.php

- event page now has date and city state -event.php


- Fixed bug in user band update page -myband.php

- When user adds a new band page redirects to band list page -mybandlist.php,add_act.php

- When user adds a new venue page redirects to venue list page -myvenuelist.php,add_venue.php

- Tip added when registering to make it clear that it is a user registration and not a band or venue registration -signup.php

- Tip added to profile page explaining that user owned bands or venues can be added using the my bands or my venues buttons, and these are not for bands you would like to follow -myprofile.php

- Added Select Date label to the options menu for clarity -index.php


- created this file -patchnotes.php

- corrected heading in my venue list -myvenuelist.php

- fixed issue with user added venues not associating with user -add_venue.php

- added patchnotes link to -index.php

- changed admin functions